Constellation: Taurus
Distance: 6500 light years
Magnitude: 8.4
Actual Size: 5.5 light years across
Visual Size: 6×4 arcminutes
Other Designations: NGC1952, Sharpless2-244
The Crab Nebula is a supernova remanent and pulsar wind Nebula. Chinese Astronomers observed and recorded the supernova which became the Crab Nebula back in 1054AD.
In modern times, it was observed and recorded by John Bevis in 1731, and independantly observed and recorded by Charles Messier in 1758, becoming the first object in the Messier catalogue.
The nebula is still expanding at the rate of 1500 kilometers per second. At the centre of the Crab Nebula lies the Crab pulsar, which is rotating 30.2 times per second.