Constellation: Cepheus
Distance: ,7200 light years
Magnitude: 7.5
Size: 25 arcminutes
The nebula NGC7380 is located in the constellation of Cepheus, and is believed to be 7,200 light years away. It was originally discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787, who recorded it as an open cluster. It was included in the catalog compiled by her brother, William Herschel, in his catalogue. It is labelled “H VIII.77”. In the 1959 Sharpless catalogue, it is known as Sh2-142.

Date: 2016-09-23, 2016-09-25, 2016-09-26, 2016-10-02
Scope: APM/TMB 115mm @ F/7
Guidescope: Vixen A80Mf
Camera: Starlight Xpress SX-814 and SX Lodestar X2
Mount: Skywatcher EQ6 Pro
Filters: Astrononik Sii 12nm,Ha 6nm, Oiii 12nm
Sii (R) Exposure : 9 x 1200 seconds – 1×1 pixel binning
Ha (G) Exposure : 12 x 600 seconds – 2×2 pixel binning
Oiii (B) Exposure : 11 x 1200 seconds – 2×2 pixel binning

Date: 2010-05-05

Date: 2010-05-05