Constellation: Cassiopeia
Distance: 11,000 light years
Magnitude: 10
Actual Size: 10 light years across
Visual Size: 15 x 8 arcminutes
Other Designations: Sharpless2-162 (Sh2-162)
The Bubble Nebula is one of my favourite objects in the night sky. A Emission nebula in Cassiopeia, the shape of this object is caused by the stellar wind from a massive hot Wolf-Rayet star. The star itself is 40 times the size of our sun and is reponsible for a stellar wind moving at 2000 kilometers per second. The rest of the red glow is from a cloud of gas surrounding the bubble itself.

Date: 2016-07-31 -> 2016-08-16
Scope: APM/TMB 115mm @ F/7
Guidescope: Vixen A80Mf
Camera: Starlight Xpress SX-814 and SX Lodestar X2
Mount: Celestron CGEM
Filters: Astrononik Sii 12nm,Ha 6nm, Oiii 12nm
Sii (R) Exposure : 21 x 1200 seconds – 1×1 pixel binning – 5 hours and 20 minutes
Ha (G) Exposure : 19 x 600 seconds – 1×1 pixel binning – 3 hours and 10 minutes
Oiii (B) Exposure : 16 x 1200 seconds – 1×1 pixel binning – 7 hours
Total Exposure Time: 15 hours and 30 minutes!!!

Date: 2016-07-14, 2016-07-17
Scope: APM/TMB 115mm @ F/7
Guidescope: Vixen A80Mf
Camera: Starlight Xpress SX-814 and SX Lodestar X2
Mount: Celestron CGEM
Filters: Astrononik Sii 12nm,Ha 6nm, Oiii 12nm
Sii (R) Exposure : 6 x 600 seconds – 1×1 pixel binning
Ha (G) Exposure : 8 x 300 seconds – 1×1 pixel binning
Oiii (B) Exposure : 7 x 600 seconds – 1×1 pixel binning

Colour Data Date: 2010-09-01
Luminance Data Date: 2012-10-13
Location: South Common Observatory
Scope: Vixen VC200L @ F/6.4
Camera: Starlight Xpress SXVR-H18
Guide Camera: SX Guidehead (Off-Axis Guider)
Colour Data Exposure (Sii): 9 x 600
Colour Exposure (Ha): 15 x 600
Colour Exposure (Oiii): 26 x 600
Luminance Exposure (Ha): 12 x 900
Dates: 2011-11-29, 2011-11-27, 2011-11-25, 2011-11-23, 2011-11-19, 2011-11-18, 2011-11-17
Location: South Common Observatory
Scope: Televue Genesis 101mm @ F/5
Camera: Starlight Xpress SXVR-H18
Guide Scope: Williams Optics Zenithstar 66mm
Guide Camera: SX Guidehead
Exposure (Ha): 13 x 1800 seconds – bin 1×1
Exposure (Oiii): 15 x 1800 seconds – bin 1×1