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Isle of Wight Star Party and a new piccy
Written by Richie Jarvis   
Sunday, 13 March 2011 22:03

Just got back from the Isle of Wight Star Party, had a thoroughly great time as per usual.  Stephen, Lucy and Bill did a wonderful job yet again.  Good times.

Whilst I was on the island, I captured a few Ha exposures of the Rosette Nebula, and decided to finish it off with some Oiii when I got home.  The weather was kind on Monday night, so I was able to grab 14 x 15 minute exposures to go with the 12 Ha exposures I captured on the island.

After a bit of processing, here is how it came out.  Very pleased with the result, and it is now entered into the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition at the Royal Observatory Greenwich.  Fingers crossed!

Click for full image and capture details:


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