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Off Topic: Immigration Crisis? Why?
Written by Richie Jarvis   
Wednesday, 09 September 2015 16:22

Maybe this is the answer to the Worldwide Immigration Mess

Why not remove all borders across all countries? Global population will gradually migrate to the best places - the places they migrate from become farmland (tear a few slums down - not a forest....)

The migrants will either settle, and pay taxes in the country they settle in, or be moved on. Their choice.... Over time, our growing population will settle across the planet - starting with the Western civilisations first (it seems to be where everyone wants to be right now!)

Folks will also move onto different countries and areas over time too, and I bet that gradually, the benefits offered by each country become very similar the world over. Of course, we will all have to bury the hatchet, settle our differences and agree to disagree...

But isn't that a better way for humanity to live?


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